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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Must Read: 10 Things We Hate Admitting About Ourselves that We Should

Fear is the beginning of failure but
success in self-improvement begins the
time we start to admit our
inadequecies and insecurities. This
admittance can be to our self or
anybody who'd like to hear. Here are
things we hate admitting about
ourselves and the basic concept how to
admit them without feeling
embarrassed. 1. I'm lonely Sadness is
the underlying issue of most loneliness.
Having moved to a new place or gotten
a new job, you always have the chance
of making more friends when you
admit and don't push desperately.
Loneliness as a result of idleness can
only be tackled through self-
engagement. Go and find something
you love and commit to it. 2. I'm
jealous of my best friend. Perhaps it's
the new job, lover or even his/her
family. Admit your jealousy positively.
Employ a positive attitude to make
yourself worth something. Let your aim
be to make someone jealous of your
own achievement. Let jealousy
motivate the man in you, not the
malice in you. 3. I'm not that great in
bed. Everybody's unique in his own
ways. If you think you lack knowledge
or skills, seek exactly what you don't
have. Learn anything. Be creative. For
with creativity, comes satisfaction, 4.
I'm not where I should be in life right
now. You just think that! You're not
where you wish to be, but never ever
forget about what HERE-NOW has to
offer. A man who craves to fly must
learn to stand and work professionally.
Open your eyes to the opportunities
around you. Feel your surrounding, it
needs you. When you're done here,
life's going to take you to your dream
land. But until you admit it,
realistically, can you be able to work it
practically. 5. I'm not that interesting.
No you're interesting. The problem is
you've been comparing yourself with
people all this while that you're now
living to pursue their dreams and
achievements. Forget about how
people do. Discover yourself; your
aabilities, weakness and talents. Don't
try to be interesting, try to be relevant
and sensible. 6. I haven't traveled a lot
You lack worldliness. You lack
adventure memories. You don't have
anything to say about somewhere else.
Make a choice whether you want to
travel or not. If you just don't like
traveling, the adventure stories and
memories don't have to bother you. If
you wish to travel but you're not
fainancially sound, work on the finance
first. 7. I can't afford the finer things in
life The reason why you're worrying
much about the finer things is because
you can't reach them now. The moment
you become capable of owning them,
you'll realize that you don't even need
them as much. It's good to have good
things. It's good to appreciate good
things. But before you can get good
things, you must admit to yourself that
you can't get them now, then live a life
worthy of finer possessions. 8. My wife
picks out what I wear Women are
natural stylists and it's almost
unbelievable how some wives make
their husbands so adorable. You get the
compliment but it's always hard to
admit who's behind the style. May be
you're a poor dresser, and you don't
want to admit how powerful your wife
can be over your BAD. Ironically, the
few men that admit this are more
happier than the rest. It's thrilling!
Develop a will-power. Admit it and
you're going to be happy with yourself.
9. I don't really read a lot Reading is
not for everyone. When you don't know
something, it just mean that you're not
interested it. If you hate to admit the
fact that you don't read a lot, people
will "hate" it when you pretend to know
it while you don't. Admit your lack of
knowledge and knowledge shall be
showered unto you. 10. I spend way too
much time watching TV People watch
TV because they don't have nothing
better to do. At least that's what we're
made to believe. And it's embarrassing.
Watch TV Shows instead of seasonal
movies. Then go outside and find a
hobby. Share your interests and make
new happy friends. The strongest were
not born strong but the weakest are yet
to understand this. People become rich
in knowledge because they learn to
admit their mistakes, weaknesses and
defects. For only when those negatives
are admitted to self or to a relevant
external party, do they get right and
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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