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Thursday, October 3, 2013

25 Ways A Man Shows He Is Still In Love With You

If you really want to know just how
much your man loves you, stop letting
words play the important part. Instead,
watch his behavior and use these 25
signs he loves you to read his mind.
It'll help you understand your man
better and even make you see just how
much he really loves you! So does your
guy really love you, even if he doesn't
express his love through words? Find
out here.
#1 He remembers what you say. A guy
who's in love with a girl always listens
to her and remembers what she says,
even if it's something trivial because he
takes her seriously.
#2 He's chivalrous and treats you like a
lady. A guy is chivalrous to a girl when
he cares about what she thinks of his
behavior. If your guy doesn't care about
you, he wouldn't care what you think of
his behavior.
#3 He takes care of your needs. If your
man truly loves you, he'd always look
for little ways to make your life better,
be it about covering you with a blanket
when you're cold, charging your cell
phone even when you don't ask him, or
serving you the better piece of chicken
when you're not looking.
#4 You're always a part of his big plan
in life. He speaks about his life and his
dreams with you, and you always have
a prominent place in all his future
#5 He holds your hand instinctively
when you're in a crowd, or places his
hand on your back while crossing the
street. This is a reflex action that
neither of you may realize. If a guy
loves you, he'd definitely want to
protect you and reassure you.
#6 He values your opinions a lot and
doesn't take any important decisions
about his own life without hearing your
opinions and having a discussion with
#7 He wraps his hands around you or
stands closer to you when you're
talking to some other guys and having
a good laugh. It's his way of letting the
world know that you're the one he loves
and every other guy should back away.
#8 He uses the word "we" instead of
saying "I" or "Me" while talking and
doesn't even realize it.
#9 He's very protective of you. If you're
taking a trip by yourself or even if
you're just driving out with friends,
does he like receiving your call after you
get to your destination? If your man can
relax only after knowing that you're
safe, no matter where you are, he
definitely has a special spot for you in
his heart.
#10 He's very interested in your life. If
your man loves you, he'd always be
eager to know everything about your
day, including the little details.
#11 The helping hand. He's always
ready to offer a helping hand every time
you ask him *even if he's busy and he
does it while whining and grumbling at
the same time*.
#12 After the fight. He makes up after a
fight just as much as you make up with
him. And at times, he even swallows his
pride and apologizes first even if it's not
his fault in any manner.
#13 He keeps you updated. He keeps
you informed about his life and what
he's up to even though he knows he has
no obligation to do so.
#14 He respects you and treats you
with a lot of respect. He doesn't stare at
other girls when you're around, neither
does he cut you in the middle of a
#15 You're the last person he speaks to
or texts at night. If he loves you, you'd
be the first and last thing on his mind
every time he wakes up or goes to
#16 He sacrifices his happiness to see
you happy. It could be something as
small as choosing a restaurant for
dinner or giving you the fluffier pillow or
something way bigger that can impact
his life.
#17 He makes a lot of effort to be liked
by your friends and family. He cares
about what your friends and family
think of him and he also understands
that their impression of him will affect
your relationship with your friends and
#18 He can't stay mad at you for any
reason for more than a couple of hours.
People in love can't stay mad at each
other for long, it hurts both lovers too
much. So if he takes the effort to
apologize or accept your apology, he
really does care about you and your
#19 He talks a lot. If a guy loves you,
you'd find that he opens up really easily
to you and talks a lot about everything,
be it his life, his plans, his work or even
about how annoying his friends really
#20 He loves spending time with you.
He goes out of his way to be with you.
And if he has to cancel a date for any
genuine reason, he'd do everything it
takes to make it up to you on the next
#21 He stands up for you, no matter
what you've done and no matter where
he is. A man who truly loves his woman
will stand by her side even if she's on
the wrong. He may criticize you in
private, but never ever in public.
#22 Making a choice. If he has to
choose between you and anything else
in the world, he'd choose you in a flash
without even thinking, because he
doesn't need to weigh any options
#23 He never forgets your special days,
be it your birthday or anniversaries or a
big day at work. And he goes out of his
way to help you prepare for any big
days or events in your life.
#24 He doesn't get annoyed with you
even if he's busy and you tease him or
fool around with him.
#25 At a social gathering, he never
gives any girl more attention than he
gives you, even if he meets a celebrity.
Don't jump to conclusions about your
man's love for you. After all, most men
aren't the biggest romantics. But they
do have really big hearts that's full of
love for you and you alone.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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